Grazeley Village Memorial Hall Lettings Agreement and Terms & Conditions of Hire


  1. Bookings can be made online at or via the Lettings Secretary by e-mail to

  2. The person making the booking must be the Hirer.

  3. The hirer must be at least 18 years of age to hire the hall.

  4. The Hirer may not sublet.

  5. Bookings are only confirmed when the Lettings Secretary sends a confirmation.Bookings are secured by payment of a refundable security deposit.

  6. Hall access details will be made available a week before the event date via the email address on the booking form after full payment is made.

We regret that we are unable to accommodate parties for the 13-25 year old age group.

Terms of Payment

  1. A refundable security deposit is to be paid at time of booking. The amount is at the discretion of the Lettings Secretary and is dependent on the type of event.

  2. . Full payment for the hire fee must be made 28 days before the event or the booking will be cancelled.

  3. Short notice bookings less than 28 days before the event must be paid in full.

  4. Cancellation by the Hirer within 28 days of the event will incur 50% of the Hire charge. Please send notification of cancellation to

  5. Payment may only be made by BACS – we do not accept cheques or cash. Please cite the invoice reference number when making payment to ensure that payment is credited to the correct Hire.

  6. If the application is not granted by the Lettings Secretary all money will be refunded.

  7. The security deposit will be returned in full once the hall has been inspected after the event and if there is no damage, or loss, or extra cleaning required and if ALL the Terms & Conditions of Hire stipulated in this document have been complied with, including ensuring that there is no excessive noise or complaints of disruptive behaviour during the event and/or at the time of leaving. Additional charges will be made if necessary due to excessive damage or additional work being required which is not covered by the Deposit.

Right to Terminate

The memorial hall is held on strict trust which requires the management committee to ensure that the hall is administered in accordance with those trusts. Accordingly, we are bound to preserve and hereby reserve the right to terminate the Agreement by not less than 7 days’ notice in writing to you in the event of the hall being required on the same date/ time for the fulfillment of its charitable purposes.

In the event of such termination by us or an emergency requiring use of the premises as a shelter for the victims of flooding, snowstorm, fire, explosion or those at risk of these or similar disasters we will refund to you all monies paid by you to us. We will not, however, be liable to make any further payment to you in respect of expenses, costs or losses incurred directly or indirectly by you in relation to any such termination.

Licensed Activities

The Hall is licensed as defined by the Licensing Act 2003 for the following activities:

  • Plays

  • Films

  • Indoor Sporting Events

  • Live Music

  • Recorded Music

  • Dancing

The Hirer MUST Comply with the Following

  1. ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: WE ARE NOT LICENSED FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOL, but you are allowed to provide alcohol to your guests free of charge. For the sale of alcohol you must apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) from Wokingham Council. A copy of the TEN must be provided to the Lettings Secretary prior to the Event and must be displayed at the Event.

  2. NO alcohol may be consumed by anyone under the age of 18.


  1. Included in the hire are the hall and the grounds, tables and chairs, kitchen and equipment. Please Note: water boiler, oven, teapot and crockery are provided but hirers must supply their own cutlery, pots, pans and cooking utensils.

Special Conditions of Letting

  1. NO SMOKING in any part of the building at any time.

  2. You must not use the premises (including the car park, if any) for any purpose other than that described in the Agreement and must not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful or unsuitable purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring on to the premises anything which might endanger the premises or render invalid any insurance policies covering the premises.

  3. No article of an inflammable (eg. candles) or explosive (eg. fireworks) nature may be brought into the hall at any time and fireworks are expressly forbidden on the grounds at all times.

  4. Bringing Fireworks into, or the ignition of Fireworks in the Hall or grounds, is expressly forbidden including fireworks, bonfires, pyrotechnics, sparklers, airborne lanterns, sky candles or wish lanterns. BBQ’S and deep fat frying are not allowed at the hall/grounds.

  5. No unauthorised heating appliances may be brought into the hall.

  6. Any electrical equipment bought onto the Hall premises by the Hirer, or on behalf of the Hirer (i.e Music players, disco equipment) must be PAT certified.

  7. You must restrict children from viewing age-restricted films classified according to the recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification. You must ensure that you have the appropriate copyright licences for film. This Agreement confers the required permission on you. (The Deregulation Act 2015 requires you to have our written permission to show a film).

  8. Music copyright licensing: You must ensure that we hold relevant licences under Performing Right Society (PRS) and the Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL) or, where appropriate, you must hold such licence(s).

  9. You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and other vulnerable adults are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation. When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

  10. Decorations are not to be fixed to any part of the hall. You must not make any alterations or additions to the premises nor install or attach any fixtures or placards, decorations or other articles in any way to any part of the premises without our prior written approval. In our discretion, any alteration, fixture or fitting or attachment which we have approved may remain in the premises at the end of the hiring. Such items will become our property unless you remove them, and you must make good to our satisfaction any damage you cause to the premises by such removal.

  11. You must ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.

  12. No illegal drugs to be brought anywhere on the premises.

  13. The Hirer shall ensure that no alcohol is served to anyone under the age of 18.

  14. People displaying drunk or disorderly behaviour will be asked to vacate the premises.

    The hirer is responsible for any damage or loss to the hall, its grounds or equipment during the hire period.

  15. The hall and grounds must be left in clean condition. Tables and chairs, having been wiped over, must be returned to the store cupboards in the entrance lobby.

  16. All spills must be wiped up and the floor swept. Mops and brooms are stored in the cupboard in the toilet corridor. The cooker and fridge must be cleaned and emptied if it has been used. Toilets and wash basins must be left clean and tidy as found. Any equipment used must be returned to its proper space after use.

  17. Winter weather: Whilst the Committee will endeavour to provide safe access to the hall, in the event of snowfall or icy conditions they will only clear a pathway from the main gate to the kitchen door and alongside the building to the main entrance.

  18. Please ensure that all heaters and lights have been switched off, and all doors and windows are securely closed when you lock up the hall. Close and lock gates on completion of the Hire. The lights in the chair store, table stores, toilets and corridor are on automatic timers.

  19. Please be as quiet as possible and respect the neighbours when leaving the hall. No vehicles are to be left overnight without permission.

  20. Bins must be emptied into the outside black bin. Two bin liners are supplied in the kitchen. Please take any recyclable waste home with you to dispose of with your household recycling.Broken glass must be wrapped before disposal. No liquids or hazardous substances to be emptied into the bin.

  21. The Management Committee accepts no responsibility for articles left on the premises.

  22. Insurance and indemnity

    Hirers are strongly advised to take out suitable insurance to cover themselves for making good any damage or meeting any claim for injury at an event for which the hirer is responsible. Commercial or business hirers must have their own Public Liability Insurance.

    Bouncy castles are allowed at the hall but your supplier must have their own public liability insurance.

    You are liable for:

    (a) Costs arising from accidental and malicious loss or damage and for loss or damage arising out of your negligence to any part of the premises including its curtilage or its contents

    (b) Costs arising from accidental and malicious loss or damage and for loss or damage arising out of your negligence done to our Wi-Fi service.

    (c) All claims, losses, damages, and costs made against or incurred by us, our employees, volunteers, agents or invitees in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising as a result of your use of the premises (including the storage of equipment) and your use of our Wi-Fi service, and

    (d) All claims, losses, damages and costs made against or incurred by us as a result of any nuisance caused to a third party as a result of your use of the premises and/or the use of our Wi-Fi service (if any), and subject to sub-clause (ii), you must indemnify us against such liabilities.

    (ii) We will take out adequate insurance to insure the liabilities described in sub-clauses ((a) and (b) above and may, in our discretion and in the case of non-commercial hirers, insure the liabilities described in sub-clauses (i)(c) and (d) above. We will claim on our insurance for any liability you incur but you must indemnify us against:

    (a) Any insurance excess incurred and

    (b) The difference between the amount of the liability and the monies we receive under the insurance policy.

    (iii) Where we do not insure the liabilities described in sub-clauses (c) and (d) above, you must take out adequate insurance to insure such liability and on demand must produce the policy and current receipt or other evidence of cover to our Hall Secretary. If you fail to produce such policy and evidence of cover, we will cancel this Agreement and re-hire the premises to another hirer.

    We are insured against any claims arising out of our own negligence.

Food & Catering

  1. All Users must observe all relevant food, health and hygiene precautions in the preparation and serving of food.

  2. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to inform all caterers to comply with conditions of the hall and the Management Committee accepts no responsibility for non-compliance.

Sale of Goods

You must, if selling goods on the premises, comply with Fair Trading Laws and any code of practice used in connection with such sales. In particular, you must ensure that the total prices of all goods and services are prominently displayed, as must be the organiser’s name and address and that any discounts offered are based only on Manufacturers’ Recommended Retail Prices.

Health & Safety


  1. The Hirer must comply with the hall’s Health & Safety Policy and Fire Risk Assessment.

  2. The Hirer must know:


On Kitchen Wall


Evacuate the building and call the Fire Brigade

Identify the escape routes and keep them clear.

Familiarise with methods of opening Escape door fastenings.

The location and use of fire equipment.

The importance of closing all internal doors in the case of fire.


You must report to us as soon as possible any failure of our equipment or equipment brought in by you. You must report all accidents involving injury to the public to us as soon as possible and complete the relevant accident form of which a copy is available in the Hall. You must report certain types of accident or injury on a special form to the Incident Contact Centre. Our Hall Secretary will give assistance in completing this form and can provide contact details of the Incident Contact Centre. This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).


In every letting there is an implied undertaking with the Management Committee to observe and perform all statutory provisions and regulations imposed by the Local Government to any hiring, and to indemnify the Management Committee and their officers from all penalties, damages and costs which may incur in consequence of any breach or default in complying with any such provisions, regulations and conditions. 


  1. The Hirer, or responsible person nominated by the Hirer whose name has been entered on the Booking Form shall be present and in charge of the premises at all times during the hire period.

  2. They must ensure that there are sufficient attendants for the purposes of safety and security.


The Members of the Management Committee and any authorised officer of the Committee shall at any time of the hiring have free entry to the premises. Instruction must be given by the Hirer for their admission.


The Hirer shall indemnify the Management Committee against all claims, demands, actions and proceedings in the result of death or injury or personal loss of or damage during the period of hire.